On this team, though, she's not really central to the offense she's more of a glue Pokemon, here to fill a bunch of small but important roles. She can 2HKO just about anything in the tier with the right moves, and she can be very difficult to wear down. Nidoqueen is almost certainly the best wallbreaker in RU. If you find you don't need or use SD very much, give it a shot. 4 attacks Kabutops does work, whether it's Lum, LO, or CB. At first I was worried Kabutops would be too weak without Life Orb or Swords Dance, but that hasn't been a problem like I said, he's not here to sweep, he's here to consistenlty beat the things he's supposed to beat, and he does that very well. I used to run Life Orb, but I switched to Lum Berry to stop Smeargle from setting up on me, and it's ended up being useful for being lots of other things that would otherwise give this team trouble, like those silly Cosmic Power Sigilyphs the ladder loves so much. Kabutops often ended up cleaning up at the end of the game if Pinsir couldn't get a clean sweep, and Waterfall's consistency was awesome for that. I don't need or expect Kabutops to sweep for this team, I just need him to consistently check things like Entei, Moltres, and Aerodactyl. I started using 4 attacks Kabutops a couple months ago and haven't really been tempted to go back. This is the standard offensive spin set, except with Waterfall over Swords Dance. Kabutops is pretty much universally regarded as the best spinner in RU at this point, and he was a no-brainer for this team. If Pinsir does get a KO, it puts immediate pressure on the opponent +1 Pinsir usually won't sweep a well-built team, but it will force them to play very conservatively in order to force it out, because mispredicting and letting it get another boost could be devastating. He can outspeed and OHKO prominent attackers like Nidoqueen, Gallade, and Kabutops, and a priority move is always useful for picking off low HP Sceptile, Manectric, etc. Obviously I wasn't able to force a switch and grab that SD boost every game, but Pinsir was still useful even then. If you've managed to paralyze, eliminate, or heavily damage everything faster that can survive a +3 Quick Attack (it's a short list: Durant, Aerodactyl, Archeops, Drapion, and Rotom), the game is over. We're talking Quagsire, Misdreavus, bulky Rotom, and that's about it. Once you have that first KO, things get a lot easier, because there are very few viable Pokemon in RU that can survive a hit from +3 Pinsir after hazards. After Swords Dance, Earthquake easily OHKOes the latter three, and it even OHKOes Steelix with enough hazards up. People's first answer to Pinsir is usually a wall like Steelix or Qwilfish, or at least a bulky Bug-resist like Nidoqueen or Aggron. Life Orb and an Adamant nature might seem like overkill given that it has SD and Moxie to boost its power, but Pinsir really does need all that power in order to get the first KO to kick off a sweep, and in order for Quick Attack to be powerful enough to prevent revenge killing. This set definitely needs support to succeed, but it's absolutely worth it thanks to how quickly Pinsir can end a match.